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Daily Object Photo: Convenience Store, Acco Discount Center

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Convenience Store

A convenience store, corner store, corner shop, or bodega (in Spanish-speaking areas of the United States), is a small store that stocks a range of everyday items such as groceries, toiletries, alcoholic and soft drinks, tobacco products, and newspapers. Such stores may also offer money order and wire transfer services. They differ from general stores and village shops in that they are not in a rural location and are used as a convenient supplement to larger stores.

A convenience store may be part of a gas/petrol station. They may be located alongside busy roads, in urban areas, or near railway stations or other transportation hubs. In some countries, convenience stores have long shopping hours, some being open 24 hours.

Convenience stores are usually more expensive than regular grocery stores or supermarkets, which they make up for with greater convenience by existing at more locations and having shorter cashier lines.

Various types exist, for example: liquor stores (off-licences—offies), mini-markets (mini-marts) or party stores. Typically junk food (sweets, ice-cream, soft drinks), lottery tickets, newspapers and magazines are sold. Unless the outlet is a liquor store, the range of alcohol beverages is likely to be limited (i.e. beer and wine) or non-existent. Most stores carry cigarettes and other tobacco products. Varying degrees of food and grocery supplies are usually available, from household products, to prepackaged foods like sandwiches and frozen burritos. Automobile-related items such as motor oil, maps and car kits may be sold. Often toiletries and other hygiene products are stocked. Some of these stores also offer money orders and wire transfer services.



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