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Poultry Photo: Organic Duck Eggs

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Organic Egg

Organic egg production is the production of eggs through organic means. In this process, the poultry are fed organic feed. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, organic means that the laying hens must have access to the outdoors and cannot be raised in cages. Organic egg producers cannot use antibiotics except during an infectious outbreak. Only natural molting can occur within the flock; forced molting is not allowed. Organic certification also requires maintenance of basic animal welfare standards.

Significant differences between "Free Range" and "Organic"that cover feed, medication, and animal welfare. Organic hens are fed organic feed; it is prohibited to feed animal byproducts or GMO crops - which is not disallowed in free range environments; no antibiotics allowed except in emergencies (in free range, it is up to the farmer, but the same levels of antibiotics as conventional farming is allowed); required animal welfare standards in organic farms, which can improve the quality of both the eggs and the meat - low stress levels lead to superior quality of animal products, a fact long known and used in the production of the famous Wagyu beef. Look for labels that say both "Organic" and "Free-Range". Cage free only means that they are not in a cage, but are usually still confined in barns at high population densities.



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